The heat and mass transfer over the sea is considered in terms of the sea s
urface roughness lengths for scalars, z(OT) for potential temperature theta
, and z(Oq) for specific humidity q, or alternatively, in terms of the roug
hness-layer scalar increments, delta theta and deltaq. A new scaling reason
ing is proposed in support of the familiar square root dependence of the ab
ove increments on the roughness Reynolds number, Re-Ou = z(Ou) u(*)/nu, whe
re z(Ou) is the sea surface aerodynamic roughness length, u(*) is the frict
ion velocity, and nu is the molecular viscosity of the air. Scaling predict
ions are validated using data from measurements made by the National Oceani
c and Atmospheric Administration's Environmental Technology Laboratory aboa
rd the R/V Moana Wave in the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean
-Atmosphere Response Experiment in 1992-93 and the R/P FLIP in the San Clem
ente Ocean Probing Experiment in September 1993. Data presented as the dime
nsionless scalar increments (or the ratios z(Ou)/z(OT) and z(Ou)/z(Oq)) ver
sus Re-Ou show a good agreement with theoretical predictions, especially at
Re-Ou. > 2 (over stormy sea). The resulting roughness-length formulations
are recommended for practical use in climate and mesoscale air-sea interact
ion models.