The improvement in the life expectancy of women with breast cancer raises i
mportant questions about how to improve the quality of life for women susta
ining complications of breast cancer treatment. In particular, attention to
common problems, such as arm edema, is of critical importance. We reviewed
published breast cancer guidelines and literature identified via MEDLINE(R
) searches in an effort to summarize the research literature pertinent to m
anagement of breast cancer-related arm edema, including incidence, prevalen
ce, and timing; risk factors; morbidity; prevention; diagnosis; and efficac
y of nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic interventions. We found that arm ed
ema is a common complication of breast cancer therapy that can result in su
bstantial functional impairment and psychological morbidity, The risk of ar
m edema increases when axillary dissection and axillary radiation therapy a
re used. Recommendations for preventive measures, such as avoidance of trau
ma, are available, but these measures have not been well studied. Nonpharma
cologic treatments, such as massage and exercise, have been shown to be eff
ective therapies for lymphedema, but the effect of pharmacologic interventi
ons remains uncertain. Comparing results across studies is complicated by t
he fact that the definitions of interventions and measures of outcomes and
risk stratification vary substantially among studies. As arm edema becomes
more prevalent with the increasing survival of breast cancer patients, furt
her research is needed to evaluate the efficacy of preventive strategies an
d therapeutic interventions.