Jag. Fuentes et al., Diet and cardiovascular risk in Spain (DRECE II study). Description of theevolution of cardiovascular profile, MED CLIN, 115(19), 2000, pp. 726-729
BACKGROUND: To describe the evolution of cardiovascular profile in a sample
of the Spanish general population.
PATIENTS AND METHOD: Study cohort of 1,800 subjects from the Diet and Cardi
ovascular Risk in Spain study (DRECE I) with and without cardiovascular ris
k according to Spanish Society of Arteriosclerosis guidelines (CRSSA) follo
wed during five years.
RESULTS: Mean follow up was 4.8 years. High blood pressure (> 140/90 mmHg),
total cholesterol > 200 mg/dl, triglycerides > 150 mg/dl and HDLc < 35 mg/
dl were present in a 55,6, 85,8, 42.9 and 13.4%, respectivelly of the indiv
iduals with CRSSA. A 31% of those without CRSSA developed hypercholesterole
mia and a 11.5% hypertension. Stroke, transient isquemic attack, angor and
acute miocardial infarction appeared in 4, 3, 12 and 12 cases in the group
with CRSSA and 5, 0, 1 and 1 in the groups without CRSSA. The incidence of
acute myocardial infaction was 3.3 and 1.2/1,000 persons-year in the groups
with/without CRSSA, respectivelly, Triglycerides were associated to the pr
esence of acute myocardial infaction (OR = 10.08; IC95%; 2.1-46.4).
CONCLUSIONS: There is a worsening of the cardiovascular risk profile in the
cohort. Individuals with CRSSA have a worse cardiovascular risk profile th
an those without CRSSA. The cardiovascular risk factors tend to be grouped
in the same subjects.