Molecular and anatomical evidence for a three-way association between Pinus sylvestris and the ectomycorrhizal fungi Suillus bovinus and Gomphidius roseus
Pa. Olsson et al., Molecular and anatomical evidence for a three-way association between Pinus sylvestris and the ectomycorrhizal fungi Suillus bovinus and Gomphidius roseus, MYCOL RES, 104, 2000, pp. 1372-1378
Many intimate associations between different species of ectomycorrhizal fun
gi are inferred on the basis of the consistent cooccurrence of their fruit
bodies. Suillus bovinus and Gomphidius roseus, where the latter never occur
s without the former, is one example. This association was examined with PC
R identification and light microscopy. S. bovinus and G. roseus were unambi
guously separated on the basis of RFLPs of the PCR-amplified ITS region of
ribosomal DNA. Tuberculate mycorrhizas of Pinus sylvestris sampled under fr
uit bodies of G. roseus and S. bovinus were investigated and the majority w
ere identified as mixed associations involving both G. roseus and S. bovinu
s. Tuberculate mycorrhizas, which macroscopically resemble the ones of Suil
lus species, contained typical chlamydospores of G. roseus and they had hau
storia where G. roseus hyphae penetrated the cortical root cells. Pine seed
lings collected near the fruit bodies of the two species were mainly coloni
sed by S. bovinus. Mycelial rhizomorphs collected under the fruit bodies of
G. roseus were identified as S. bovinus, while both fungal species were pr
esent at the base of G. roseus fruit bodies. The significance of these obse
rvations and the possibility that G. roseus acts as a parasite are discusse