Neural imaging studies have shown that the brains of skilled musicians resp
ond differently to musical stimuli than do the brains of non-musicians, par
ticularly for musicians who commenced practice at an early age. Whether bra
in attributes related to musical skill are attributable to musical practice
or are hereditary traits that influence the decision to train musically is
a subject of controversy, owing to its pedagogic implications. Here we rep
ort that auditory cortical representations measured neuromagnetically for t
ones of different timbre (violin and trumpet) are enhanced compared to sine
tones in violinists and trumpeters, preferentially for timbres of the inst
rument of training. Timbre specificity is predicted by a principle of use-d
ependent plasticity and imposes new requirements on nativistic accounts of
brain attributes associated with musical skill. NeuroReport 12:169-174 (C)
2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.