The cross-section of vector meson photoproduction at large quadri momentum
transfer was measured at Jefferson Laboratory up -t = 5 GeV2. The measureme
nt of the differential cross-section down to 100 pb/GeV2 was possible for t
he first time thanks to the 100 % duty cycle of CEBAF in conjunction with t
he large acceptance of the CLAS detector. High momentum transfer selects sm
all transverse size components of both photon and hadron. In this condition
hard processes (gluons: exchange) and other mechanisms like quark correlat
ions may play a dominant role. Combined measurement, of Phi and rho mesons
in a wide range of t will help to understand and disentangle the different
contributions. So far a clear understanding of such interactions has not be
en possible due to the limited amount of data and to their poor quality [1]
[2]. The E93-031 experiment [3] with the CLAS detector in Hall B is coveri
ng the vector-meson photo-production physics with the purpose of a precise
measurement of the d sigma /dt at t < -1GeV(2)/c(2). Data have been collect
ed during June '98 and July '99 runs and are now under analysis.
In this contribution, preliminary results are presented for the reactions <
gamma>p --> p Phi and gammap --> p rho (0) in E gamma range 3.2 - 3.8GeV.