The Leutwyler-Smilga prediction regarding the (ir)relevance of the global t
opological charge for QCD in a finite box is subject to a test. To this end
the lattice version of a suitably chosen analogue (massive 2-flavour Schwi
nger model) is analyzed in the small (V Sigmam much less than 1), intermedi
ate (V Sigmam similar or equal to 1) and large (V Sigmam much greater than
1) Leutwyler-Smilga regimes. The predictions for the small and large regime
s an confirmed and illustrated. New results about the role of the functiona
l determinant in all three regimes and about the sensitivity of physical ob
servables on the topological charge in the intermediate regime are presente
d, (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.