The Mouse Genome Database (MGD) is the community database resource for the
laboratory mouse, a key model organism for interpreting the human genome an
d for understanding human biology and disease (http://www.informatics.jax.o
rg). MGD provides standard nomenclature and consensus map positions for mou
se genes and genetic markers; it provides a curated set of mammalian homolo
gy records, user-defined chromosomal maps, experimental data sets and the d
efinitive mouse 'gene to sequence' reference set for the research community
. The integration and standardization of these data sets facilitates the tr
ansition between mouse DNA sequence, gene and phenotype annotations. A rece
nt focus on allele and phenotype representations enhances the ability of MG
D to organize and present data for exploring the relationship between genot
ype and phenotype. This link between the genome and the biology of the mous
e is especially important as phenotype information grows from large mutagen
esis projects and genotype information grows from large-scale sequencing pr