in this paper, we investigate the scaling properties of foreign exchange vo
latility. Our methodology is based on a wavelet multi-scaling approach whic
h decomposes the variance of a time series and the covariance between two t
ime series on a scale by scale basis through the application of a discrete
wavelet transformation. It is shown that foreign exchange rate volatilities
follow different scaling laws at different horizons. Particularly, there i
s a smaller degree of persistence in intra-day volatility as compared to vo
latility at one day and higher scales. Therefore, a common practice in the
risk management industry to convert risk measures calculated at shorter hor
izons into longer horizons through a global scaling parameter may not be ap
propriate. This paper also demonstrates that correlation between the foreig
n exchange volatilities is the lowest at the intra-day scales but exhibits
a gradual increase up to a daily scare. The correlation coefficient stabili
zes at scales one day and higher. Therefore, the benefit of currency divers
ification is the greatest at the intra-day scales and diminishes gradually
at higher scales (lower frequencies). The wavelet cross-correlation analysi
s also indicates that the association between two volatilities is stronger
at lower frequencies. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.