We consider the problem of minimizing the energy of the maps u(r, theta) fr
om the annulus Omega (rho) = B-1\(B) over bar (rho) to S-2 such that u(r, t
heta) is equal to (cos theta, sin theta, 0) for r = rho, and to (cos(theta
+ theta (0)), sin(theta + theta (0)), 0) for r = 1,where theta (0) is an el
ement of [0, pi] is a fixed angle.
We prove that the minimum is attained at a unique harmonic map u(rho) which
is a planar map if log(2) rho + 3 theta (2)(0) less than or equal to pi (2
), while it is not planar in the case log(2) rho + theta (2)(0) > pi (2).
Moreover, we show that u(rho) tends to (v) over bar as rho --> 0, where (v)
over bar minimizes the energy of the maps v(r, theta) from B-1 to S-2, wit
h the boundary condition v(1, theta) = (cos(theta + theta (0)), sin(theta theta (0)), 0).