The atomic composition of the surface of the CdTe layer in a CdTe/CdS photo
voltaic (PV) device has a significant influence on the quality of the elect
rical contact to this layer. This paper reports the results of a systemic s
tudy that correlates the composition of the back surface as measured with X
-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) with pre-contact processing and devic
e performance. We found that certain processing steps produce an oxide laye
r that degrades performance by producing a metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS)
contact, rather than the intended metal-semiconductor, Scottky barrier cont
act. We also found that the asdeposited CdTe film is cadmium-rich for sever
al hundred angostroms at the back surface. This n-type layer may impede cur
rent flow for majority holes, degrading device performance. Published in 20
00 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.