Assisted reproductive techniques (gamete cryopreservation, artificial insem
ination, embryo transfer, and in vitro fertilization) allow to propagate sm
all fragmented populations of wild endangered species or domestic breeds. T
here are the best way for producing several offspring from selected genitor
s in order to avoid inbreeding depression. However, few mammalian species h
ave been well studied for their reproductive biology whereas huge differenc
es have been observed between these species. Furthermore, materials, method
s and experimental designs have to be adapted for each case and each limiti
ng factor (wildness, poor quantity of biological material, disparate locati
ons). Genome resource banking is currently arising and the most applied rep
roductive biotechnology remains artificial insemination. Assisted reproduct
ive techniques currently developed in domestic species (intra cytoplasmic s
perm injection, nuclear transfer) may offer new opportunities for the propa
gation of endangered species.