The current legislation does not allow recognition and compensation for occ
upational hypersensitivity pneumonitis under satisfactory conditions. The t
hree tables of occupational disease concerned are heterogeneous. The design
ation of the disease and the list of workplaces likely to cause it are not
in conformity with the current scientific data. It is desirable to harmonis
e the wording of the designation of the disease in the three tables, to mak
e it in conformity with the scientific data, and periodically to bring up t
o date the restrictive list of workplaces of table n degrees 66 of the Fren
ch general employers' mode. In addition, the authors propose criteria relat
ing to the establishment of a direct relation between the occupational expo
sure and the disease in the framework of paragraph n degrees 3, and to take
the deterioration of DLCO into account for the assessment of the permanent
partial disability.