Pneumoconiosis designates a group of different interstitial lung diseases.
By extension, other manifestations such as COPD, pleural fibrosis, some can
cers, scleroderma... are sometimes listed in several pneumoconiosis compens
ation tables to provide more unity for causal agents and a more uniform pro
The wording of the present table is reviewed, emphasizing certain points la
cking precision and some new points which could be proposed to the social p
artners. Likewise, criteria for exposure or cumulated doses are examined as
well as other pneumoconioses not yet on the compensation list (i.e. alumin
osis, fibrous disease other than asbestosis).
After approval by the Regional Committee for occupational disease, compensa
tion can be awarded in case of a presumed origin if certain administrative
requirements are lacking (paragraph 3) or if an exposure not listed on the
official table is accepted and led to death or expected incapacity of more
than 66.6% (paragraph 4).
Together with the other contributions in this issue, this text presents a c
oherent way of analyzing occupational respiratory disorders in order to bet
ter prepare and advise victims and provide appropriate support.