Despite intensive investigation, the pathogenesis of post-injury multiple o
rgan failure (MOF) remains elusive. Laboratory and clinical research strong
ly suggests that the gastrointestinal tract (i.e., the gut) plays a pivotal
pathogenic role. Since its inception in 1988, the Trauma Research Center (
TRC) at the University of Texas-Houston Medical School (UTHMS) has focused
its efforts on elucidating the role of the gut in post-injury MOF. On the b
asis of our observations and those of others, we believe that 1) shock with
resulting gut hypoperfusion is an important inciting event, 2) the reperfu
sed gut is a source of proinflammatory mediators that can amplify the early
systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and thus contribute to earl
y MOF, 3) early gut hypoperfusion causes an ileus in both the stomach and s
mall bower that sets the stage for progressive gut dysfunction so that the
proximal gut becomes a reservoir for pathogens and toxins that contribute t
o late sepsis-associated MOF, and 4) late infections cause further worsenin
g of this gut dysfunction. Thus, the gut can be both an instigator and a vi
ctim of MOF. The purpose of this article is to provide the rationale behind
these beliefs and to provide a brief overview of the ongoing research proj
ects in the TRC at UTHMS.