International programmes such as: EUROFLUX locus on the analysis of long-te
rm fluxes and energy budgets in the biosphere. Reliable estimates of hourly
energy budgets require an accurate estimation of soil heat flux, that is o
ften non-negligible even in a forest, and can be predominant during the nig
ht. Over long periods of time such as one to several months, its contributi
on can also be significant. The present work has been carried out to get go
od estimates: of the soil heat flux in a maritime pine stand in the southwe
st of France, one of the 15 EUROFLUX sites. Using a whole pear's worth of d
ata, soil heat flux was estimated by a two-step version of the null-alignme
nt method using soil temperature, water content and bulk density measuremen
ts between the soil surface and a depth of I m. A data subset was: firstly
used to estimate and model the soil thermal conductivity at various depths.
The full data set was then used with the modelled conductivity to estimate
heat storage between the surface and a reference depth, and calculate the
heat flux at the soil surface. Throughout the investigated year and at a 30
min time scale, the soil heat flux represents 5-10% of the incident net ra
diation, i.e. 30-50% of the net radiation over the understorey. Cumulative
values from September 1997 to March 1998 reach a maximum of -70 MJ m(-2), w
hich represents nearly 50% of the cumulative values of transmitted net radi
ation (140 MJ m(-2)) over the same period. These estimates of soil heat Aux
allowed the energy budgets of the whole stand and the understorey to be cl
osed, and showed that the storage terms are significant not only at a 30 mi
n time scale but also at longer time scales (a few weeks). An attempt was f
inally made to model soil heat flux from meteorological data, which has rar
ely been done far a forest soil and over a long-term data set. In most of t
he existing models, soil heat flux is taken as a fraction of net radiation
or sensible heat flux. Here, the litter acts as a mulch at the soil surface
so that the only significant terms of the energy balance at this level are
soil heat flux, transmitted net radiation and turbulent sensible heat flux
. Soil heat flux is shown to be a linear combination of (1) net radiation a
bove the understorey with a clear dependence of the coefficient on the soil
cover fraction, and (2) the difference between the air and litter temperat
ures, with little influence of soil water content or wind speed on the coef
ficient. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.