Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are purportedly beneficial to human health
and are called probiotics. Their survival during passage through the human
gut, when administered in fermented milk products, has been investigated in
tensely in recent years. Well-controlled small-scale studies on diarrhea in
both adults and infants have shown that probiotics are beneficial and that
they survive in sufficient numbers to affect gut microbial metabolism. Sur
vival rates have been estimated at 20-40% for selected strains, the main ob
stacles to survival being gastric acidity and the action of bile salts. Alt
hough it is believed that the maximum probiotic effect can be achieved if t
he organisms adhere to intestinal mucosal cells, there is no evidence that
exogenously administered probiotics do adhere to the mucosal cells. Instead
, they seem to pass into the feces without having adhered or multiplied Thu
s, to obtain a continuous exogenous probiotic effect, the probiotic culture
must be ingested continually. Certain exogenously administered substances
enhance the action of both exogenous and endogenous probiotics. Human milk
contains many substances that stimulate the growth of bifidobacteria in vit
ro and also in the small intestine of infants; however, it is unlikely that
they function in the colon. However, lactulose and certain fructose-contai
ning compounds, called prebiotics, are not digested in the small intestine
but pass into the cecum unchanged, where they are selectively utilized by p
robiotics. Beneficial effects may thus accrue from exogenously administered
probiotics, often administered with prebiotics, or by endogenous bifidobac
teria and lactobacilli, whose metabolic activity and growth may also be enh
anced by the administration of prebiotics.