The Dynamic Variable Input-Output (VIO) model extends the static single reg
ional version of the Multiregional Variable Input-Output (MRVIO) model whic
h is a general equilibrium model applied to the Leontief Input-Output model
. The Dynamic VIO model which incorporates time dimensions can describe the
real situation more accurately while maintaining the computational simplic
ity. Under the model, the investment expenditures are directly linked with
the profit maximizing behavior of firms. Both technical coefficients and ca
pital stock requirement coefficients include price terms, and they become v
ariable instead of being fixed.
By gathering investment terms together instead of separating them as is don
e in Leontief's Dynamic output equation, we not only preserve the consisten
cy between time-specific dynamic multipliers and total dynamic multipliers,
but also get over the shortcoming of the negative occurences of the Leonti
ef's multiplier matrices, particularly the impact (initial period) multipli
er matrix.
Using the 15 sector interindustry transaction table derived from the 1987 U
.S. benchmark input-output table, we estimate dynamic output and income mul
tipliers for all industries.
Empirical results show that, over all industries, dynamic total multipliers
of the Dynamic VIO model are larger than static multipliers of the static
Household Interactive VIO (HIVIO) model. Static multipliers of the static H
ousehold Interactive VIO (HIVIO) model which lie between Leontief's static
type I and type II multipliers are exactly the same as the impact (initial
period) multiplier of the Dynamic VIO model. Similarly, dynamic total multi
pliers of the Dynamic VIO model are larger than those of the Leontief stati
c type I and type II multipliers, and multipliers of the Leontief dynamic t
in nested form) IO model. Thereby, the study demonstrates that the static H
IVIO model and the Leontief IO models (both static and dynamic tin nested f
orm)) underestimate actual impacts. The study also shows that the sum of al
l time-specific multipliers of the dynamic VIO model equals to dynamic tota
l multiplier; thus, consistency is ensured in the dynamic multipliers of th
e Dynamic VIO model. The multipliers of the dynamic VIO model vary among di
fferent industries, and they decrease as the number of time lags increase w
ith the initial period impact as the largest. The percent distributions of
multipliers over time periods reveal that ripple effects of spending are mo
stly recognized during the first four periods. The dynamic multipliers of t
he Dynamic VIO model are useful information in evaluating the long-tent? ec
onomic effects of spending.