In mammalian cells proteasomes can be activated by two different types of r
egulatory complexes which bind to the ends of the proteasome cylinder. Addi
tion of two 19 S (PA700; ATPase) complexes forms the 26 S proteasome, which
is responsible for ATP-dependent non-lysosomal degradation of intracellula
r proteins, whereas 11 S complexes (PA28; REG) have been implicated in anti
gen processing. The PA28 complex is upregulated in response to gamma -inter
feron (gamma -IFN) as are three non-essential subunits of the 270 S proteas
ome. In the present study we have investigated the effects of gamma -IFN on
the level of different proteasome complexes and on the phosphorylation of
proteasome subunits. After treatment of cells with gamma -IFN. the level of
26 S proteasomes decreased and there was a concomitant increase in PA28-pr
oteasome complexes. However. no free 19 S regulatory complexes were detecte
d. The majority of the gamma -IFN-inducible proteasome subunits LMP2 and LM
P7 were present in PA28-proteasome complexes, but these subunits were also
found in 26 S proteasomes. The level of phosphorylation of both 20 S and 26
S proteasome subunits was found to decrease after gamma -IFN treatment of
cells. The C8 alpha subunit showed more than a 50 % decrease in phosphoryla
tion, and the phosphorylation of C9 was only barely detectable after gamma
-IFN treatment. These results suggest that association of regulatory compon
ents to 20 S proteasomes is regulated, and that phosphorylation of proteaso
me alpha subunits may be one mode of regulation.