The protective effect of pre- and postischemia treatment of the brain by su
rface perfusion with nicardipine (Nic) and/or magnesium (Mg) was evaluated
in a rat focal cerebral ischemia model. Artificial cerebrospinal fluid was
perfused into the subarachnoid space of rats, containing Nic or Nic/Mg prio
r to vessel occlusion and Nic/Mg after occlusion. Reductions in the total a
mount of glutamate in the microdialysis perfusate and the volume of infarct
ion tissue stained with 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride were significan
t in all treated groups, even in rats treated after ischemia. An additive e
ffect of Mg was also observed. These results suggest that this method may h
ave clinical applications in patients suffering from ischemic insult. Copyr
ght (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.