Apart from inadequate surgical haemostasis, postoperative bleeding can be r
elated to acquired disorders of platelet number, platelet function or coagu
lation proteins (e.g. Vitamin K deficiency, DIC or liver injury). We highli
ght our experience with three patients who suffered life-threatening bleedi
ng in the postoperative setting, The three patients - a 47-year-old man and
70- and 74-year-old women - all had negative histories for excessive bleed
ing with prior surgeries, and all had normal preoperative PT and aPTT tests
. Surgeries were resection of ischaemic bowel, cholecystectomy and coronary
artery bypass grafting. All patients experienced unexpected bleeding withi
n the first few postoperative days requiring multiple red cell transfusions
and surgical re-explorations. Evaluations within the first 4-7 days after
surgery revealed that these three patients had developed prolonged aPTT due
to demonstrable factor VIII antibodies initially at low titre, One patient
was treated with high doses human factor VIII, corticosteroids, intravenou
s gammaglobulin and plasma exchanges. The inhibitor was no longer demonstra
ble after 6 weeks of such therapy, and he has remained in remission without
therapy. The second patient was initially treated with high-dose human fac
tor VIII infusions. Five months later, prednisone and 6-mercaptopurine were
begun for worsening inhibitor titre and diffuse purpura and subcutaneous h
aematomas. The factor inhibitor remitted, but the patient died from liver f
ailure related to post-transfusion hepatitis. The third patient was initial
ly managed with high-dose human factor VIII. Two months later, worsening in
hibitor titre and tongue haematoma was treated with activated prothrombin c
omplex, corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide. Eight years later, she is on
no therapy, demonstrates a mild bleeding tendency and has a stable low-titr
e inhibitor. There have been a few case reports of inhibitors to coagulatio
n factors including factor VIII becoming manifest in the postoperative sett
ing but surgery has not been widely recognized as an underlying cause for a
cquired haemophilia, This paper speculates on pathogenesis and reviews trea
tment options. This syndrome is remarkable for its abrupt onset in the firs
t few postoperative days and for its substantial morbidity. The problem is
potentially reversible with immunosuppressive therapy. Clinicians should be
aware of this syndrome, considering acquired haemophilia in patients with
unexpected postoperative bleeding.