The immunosuppressive activity of Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF) is based on t
he reversible inhibition of inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH)
by mycophenolic acid. Pharmacodynamic monitoring by measurement of IMPDH ac
tivity reflects directly the biological response to MMF. For measurement of
IMPDH activity in peripheral mononuclear cells we established a modified n
on-radioactive procedure, based on the incubation of cell lysates with inos
ine-5'-monophosphate and the chromatographic quantification of produced xan
thosine-5'-monophosphate by isocratic ion-pair reversed phase HPLC. The bet
ween-run precision and within-run precision were 7% and 5%, respectively. W
e determined the time course of IMPDH activity in five patients after 1g MM
F and in five healthy subjects without administration of MMF. Additionally,
IMPDH activity was determined in a population study of 40 healthy voluntee
rs. In healthy volunteers, we observed a wide range of IMPDH activity (4.7-
32.9 nmol/h/mg) with only weak diurnal variation. All patients receiving MM
F had a significant reduction of IMPDH activity (65-100%) after administrat
ion of the drug. Inhibition persisted for up to 6 hours, and after 11 hours
IMPDH activity returned to predose activities. The interindividual variabi
lity of IMPDH activity may account for pharmacodynamic differences in MMF-t
reated patients. Based on pharmacodynamic monitoring better dosing strategi
es for MMF-treated patients may evolve.