The analysis of the type-sections of Tor Formation and Carnitza Formation i
n the neighbourhood of Raibl/Cave del Predil (Tarvisio area, Julian Alps, I
taly) allows a better definition of the Carnian stratigraphic and sequence
stratigraphic framework in this classical area. Ammonoids and palynomorphs
confine the age of the Conzen Formation and of most of the Tor Formation to
the Julian, while the uppermost Tor Formation, the Carnitza Formation and
the base of the Dolomia Principale are Tuvalian in age. In the Tarvisio are
a, a margin-foreslope system of the Dolomia Principale, interfingering with
basinal sediments (Carnitza Formation), is exceptionally well preserved at
a seismic-scale. This setting allows a better comprehension of the start-u
p of the Dolomia Principale carbonate platform.