Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and their associated in
dices are valuable tools for the assessment of the accuracy of diagnos
tic tests. The area under the ROC curve is a popular summary measure o
f the accuracy of a test. The full area under the ROC curve, however,
has been criticized because it gives equal weight to all false positiv
e error rates. Alternative indices include the area under the ROC curv
e in a particular range of false positive rates ('partial' area) and t
he sensitivity of the test for a single fixed false positive rate (FPR
). We present a unified approach for computing sample size for binorma
l ROC curves and their indices. Our method uses Taylor series expansio
ns to derive approximate large-sample estimates of the variance and co
variance of binormal ROC curve parameters. Several examples from diagn
ostic radiology illustrate the proposed method. (C) 1997 by John Wiley
& Sons, Ltd.