Myeloablative therapy followed by autologous hematopoietic stem cell (HSC)
transplantation is a therapeutic option proposed for a variety of hematolog
ical and non-hematological diseases. However, although mortality due to thi
s procedure is steadily decreasing, patients are still exposed to the risk
of a number of complications negatively affecting their expectancy or quali
ty of life. Adverse events due to HSC harvesting are rare and generally rev
ersible. The early post-transplant complications include infections, mucosi
tis, hepatic veno-occlusive disease and various acute organ toxicities. Imm
une derangement is a leading cause of most late events, such as viral or fu
ngal infections, auto-immune manifestations and secondary neoplasms, of whi
ch secondary AML/MDS are the most commonly reported. In line with the favou
red pathogenetic explanation, neoplastic clones previously established duri
ng conventional treatment are harvested and reinfused at the time of autogr
afting. Other late effects are single organ dysfunction due to the underlyi
ng disease and treatment toxicities combined with infectious and post-infec
tious phenomena. The lungs, heart, CNS and reproductive system are the most
investigated targets, but no clinical patterns have been identified as spe
cific for autografting.