At advanced ages, many insects lay smaller eggs with reduced viability, but
adults produced by different maternal age classes are usually indistinguis
hable. In most species it is not known if there are any significant differe
nces between hatchlings from smaller, later eggs (i.e, those produced by ol
d females) and those from larger, earlier eggs (i.e. those produced by youn
g females). For many insects, the best way to determine if such differences
exist is to rear larvae from different maternal age classes together and c
ompare their success. We tested the effects of maternal age on the competit
ive ability of house fly larvae, using a modified replacement (substitution
) design with pairwise comparisons of two maternal age classes from three e
lectrophoretically marked lines. For each comparison, known numbers of larv
ae were reared together at five ratios, including pure cultures, at densiti
es high enough to ensure severe competition. We measured the effects of mat
ernal age on hatchling to adult survival, development time, and adult size.
In general, older females produced larvae that had higher viability and at
tained larger sizes, but developed more slowly. Maternal age effects were l
ine-specific, suggesting that they are determined genetically, and there we
re significant interactions of maternal age effects between pairwise line c
omparisons. Maternal age effects on performance in pure culture were not pr
edictive of performance in mixed cultures. Competitor identity significantl
y affected the success of each line and maternal age class, suggesting that
use of tester strains to determine relative competitiveness of lines, or m
aternal age classes, is not generally valid. The results are discussed with
respect to the possible adaptive nature of maternal age effects in this sp