Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been widely used in the power indust
ry for applications such as fault classification, protection, fault diagnos
is, relaying schemes, load forecasting, power generation and optimal power
flow etc. At the time of writing this paper, most ANNs are built upon the e
nvironment of real numbers. However, it is well known that in computations
related to electric power systems, such as load-flow analysis and fault-lev
el estimation etc., complex numbers are extensively involved. The reactive
power drawn from a substation, the impedance, busbar voltages and currents
are all expressed in complex numbers. Hence, ANNs in the complex domain mus
t be adopted for these applications, although it is possible to use ANNs in
the conventional way by dividing a complex number into two real numbers, r
epresenting both the real and imaginary parts. It is shown, by illustrating
with a simple complex equation, that the behaviour of a real ANN simulatin
g complex numbers is inferior to that of an ANN which is intrinsically comp
lex by design. The structure of the complex ANN and the numerical approach
in handling back propagation for online training under the complex environm
ent are described. The application of this newly developed ANN on load flow
analysis in a simple 6-busbar electric power system is used as an illustra
tive example to show the merits of incorporating complex ANNs in power-syst
em analysis.