Measurements are reported from two side-looking Doppler systems, which were
used to study the discharge front located off the mouth of Chesapeake Bay.
One system was a commercial 300-kHz narrow-band acoustic Doppler current p
rofiler (ADCP), which was mounted at a depth of 0.6 m on the port side of a
research ship. The other was a prototype X-band, vertically polarized, Dop
pler radar mounted at a height of about 4 m on the stal board side. Both ve
locity and backscatter intensity were measured along two beams to ranges of
120 m (ADCP) and 200 m (radar), so that by sailing alternately on each sid
e of the front it was possible to make nearly simultaneous across-front mea
surements with both systems. Despite the differences in acoustic and radar
scattering mechanisms, a combined backscatter intensity surface map could b
e made showing a continuous frontal signature about 10-m wide and 20 dB abo
ve background levels. Each system was also able to measure the same large-s
cale velocity change across the front, which was dominated by the dischargi
ng buoyant bay water flowing at about 50 cm/s relative to the ambient conti
nental shelf water. However, within a 60-m wide zone, the radar system meas
ured velocities up to 75 cm/s larger than the ADCP, Such large velocity dif
ferences arose from the radar's sensitivity to motions associated with wave
s reflecting from the region of strongest across-front current convergence.
This frontal convergence was resolved only by the ADCP, which showed a hor
izontal current change of about 25 cm/s over 10 m and appeared to extend ov
er the upper 2 m or so of the water column, These results show that the com
bined information from the acoustic and radar systems provide a more comple
te picture of the frontal currents and wave-current interactions than eithe
r system could provide alone.