In this research, we investigated performance in a complex, dynamic decisio
n-making task, Individual judgment performance in a command and control env
ironment was modeled as linear combinations of environmental cue values usi
ng a Lens Model approach, Examination of the judgment models indicated that
participants had similar judgment policies, while correlational and error
analyzes indicated that performance differences were due to participants' a
bilities to execute judgment strategies rather than their knowledge of the
task environment. This research demonstrated how the Lens Model approach ca
n be extended to account for dynamic aspects of decision making in complex
environments, through the use of individual, time dependent environmental m
odels for each participant. Additionally, the research showed that a Lens M
odel approach is useful for characterizing factors in individual performanc
e in complex judgment tasks. Empirically, this research suggests that train
ing on task knowledge should be supplemented by training which focuses on t
he consistent execution of judgment strategies.