We review our recent x-ray and neutron scattering studies that reveal stati
c diffuse scattering due to polarons in the paramagnetic phase of the colos
sal magnetoresistive manganites La2-2xSr1+2x,Mn2O7, with x = 0.40 and 0.44.
We show that the polarons exhibit short-range incommensurate correlations
that grow with decreasing temperature, but disappear abruptly at the combin
ed ferromagnetic and metal-insulator transition in the x = 0.40 system beca
use of the sudden charge delocalization, while persisting at low temperatur
e in the antiferromagnetic x = 0.44 system. The "melting" of the polaron or
dering as we cool through Te occurs with the collapse of the polaron scatte
ring itself in the x = 0.40 system. The polaron order is characterized by a
n ordering wave vector q = (0.3,0,1) that is almost independent of x for x
greater than or equal to 0.40, and is consistent with a model of disordered