As new health care strategies compete with existing ones for limited resour
ces, the health care system and its providers are beginning to turn to heal
th economic analyses to help inform choices in the delivery of care. This 2
-part review examines the current health economic literature fur asthma and
rhinitis. This first installment of the review focuses on studies that cha
racterize the economic burden of asthma and rhinitis and examines how resou
rces are allocated to the care of persons with asthma and rhinitis, In 1998
, asthma in the United States accounted fur an estimated 12.7 billion dolla
rs annually, Similarly, in 1994, allergic rhinitis was estimated to cost 1.
2 billion dollars, Most of the costs for these conditions are attributed to
direct medical expenditures, with medications emerging as the single large
st cost component. Indirect costs also represent an important social effect
. While cost-of-illness studies help to characterize the economic burden, c
omparative health economic: studies evaluate the value of new and existing
strategies for clinical care. The second part of this review will explore h
ow comparative studies have contributed to understanding how to best diagno
se and treat asthma and allergic rhinitis.