Complementary DNAs encoding a previously unidentified mouse Notch ligand an
d its human ortholog were isolated. The new Notch Ligand contains a signal
sequence, a DSL domain, eight epidermal growth factor-like repeats, a trans
membrane domain, and an intracellular region, all of which are characterist
ics of members of the Delta protein family. The new protein was therefore d
esignated Delta-4, Several previously unidentified sequences in both the ex
tracellular and intracellular regions were shown to be conserved among vert
ebrate Delta proteins, The tissue distribution of Delta-4 mRNA resembles th
at previously described for Notch-4 (Int-3) transcripts. However, in situ h
ybridization with mouse lung revealed that Delta-4 mRNA is abundant in squa
mous alveolar cells that neighbor endothelial cells; Notch-4 expression is
largely restricted to the latter cell type. Soluble forms of the extracellu
lar portion of Delta-4 inhibit the apparent proliferation of human aortic e
ndothelial cells, but not human pulmonary arterial endothelial cells.