We provide evidence that in vitro protein cross-linking can be accomplished
in three concerted steps: (i) a change in protein conformation; (ii) forma
tion of interchain disulfide bonds; and (iii) formation of interchain isope
ptide cross-links. Oxidative refolding and thermal unfolding of ribonucleas
e A, lysozyme, and protein disulfide isomerase led to the formation of cros
s-linked dimers/oligomers as revealed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophor
esis, Chemical modification of free amino groups in these proteins or unfol
ding at pH < 7.0 resulted in a loss of interchain isopeptide cross-linking
without affecting interchain disulfide bond cross-linking. Furthermore, pre
formed interchain disulfide bonds were pivotal for promoting subsequent int
erchain isopeptide crosslinks; no dimers/oligomers were detected when the r
efolding and unfolding solution contained the reducing agent dithiothreitol
, Similarly; the Cys326Ser point mutation in protein disulfide isomerase ab
rogated its ability to cross-link into homodimers, Heterogeneous proteins b
ecome cross-linked following the formation of heteromolecular interchain di
sulfide bonds during thermal unfolding of a mixture of of ribonuclease A an
d lysozyme, The absence of glutathione and glutathione disulfide during the
unfolding process attenuated both the interchain disulfide bond cross-link
s and interchain isopeptide cross-links, No dimers/oligomers were detected
when the thermal unfolding temperature was lower than the midpoint of therm
al denaturation temperature.