Depth profiles of dissolved nitrous oxide (N2O) were measured in the centra
l and western Arabian Sea during four cruises in May and July-August 1995 a
nd May-July 1997 as part of the German contribution to the Arabian Sea Proc
ess Study of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study. The vertical distribution o
f N2O in the water column on a transect along 65 degreesE showed a characte
ristic double-peak structure, indicating production of N2O associated with
steep oxygen gradients at the top and bottom of the oxygen minimum zone. We
propose a general scheme consisting of four ocean compartments to explain
the N2O cycling as a result of nitrification and denitrification processes
in the water column of the Arabian Sea. We observed a seasonal N2O accumula
tion at 600-800 m near the shelf break in the western Arabian Sea. We propo
se that, in the western Arabian Sea, N2O might also be formed during bacter
ial oxidation of organic matter by the reduction of IO3- to I-, indicating
that the biogeochemical cycling of N2O in the Arabian Sea during the SW mon
soon might be more complex than previously thought. A compilation of source
s and sinks of N2O in the Arabian Sea suggested that the N2O budget is reas
onably balanced.