Some of the gec,logical features on the surface of Europa's ice shell sugge
st the existence of a brittle lithosphere that in some regions is no more t
han 2 km thick. The surface heat flow needed to put the brittle-ductile tra
nsition in ice at a depth of 2 km is at least similar to 100 mW m(-2), much
higher than predicted by tidal heating models for a purely conductive ice
shell. A possible explanation lies in the probable existence of a convectiv
e layer beneath the brittle lithosphere, which, owing to tidal dissipation
in warm ice, could contribute to higher heat flows. If a convective subsurf
ace layer and grain size dependent flow behavior of ice are admitted, the g
rain size at brittle-ductile transition depth cannot be >1 mm, which is con
sistent with the required value for the onset of convection in an ice shell
thinner than 20 km.