We use incoherent scatter radar measurements from Millstone Hill and Saint
Santin to study the midlatitude F region electrodynamic plasma drifts durin
g geomagnetically quiet and active periods. We present initially a local ti
me, season, and solar flux dependent analytical model of the: quiet time zo
nal and meridional ExB drifts over these stations. We discuss, for the firs
t time, the Saint Santin drift patterns during solar maximum. We have used
these quiet time models to extract the geomagnetic perturbation drifts whic
h were modeled as a function of the time history of the auroral electrojet
indices. Our results illustrate the evolution of the disturbance drifts dri
ven by the combined effects of prompt penetration and longer lasting pertur
bation electric fields. The meridional electrodynamic disturbance drifts ha
ve largest amplitudes in the midnight-noon sector. The zonal drifts are pre
dominantly westward, with largest amplitudes in the dusk-midnight sector an
d, following a decrease in the high-latitude convection, they decay more sl
owly than the meridional drifts. The prompt penetration and steady state zo
nal disturbance drifts derived from radar measurements are in good agreemen
t with results obtained from both the ion drift meter data on board title D
ynamics Explorer 2 (DE 2) satellite and from the nice Convection Model.