Angiotensin II (Ang II), an octapeptide presser hormone, activates cellular
events that may contribute to the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease.
The physiological actions of Ang II are mediated via the Ang II type I rece
ptor (ATIR) and type 2 receptor (AT2R), which are G protein-coupled recepto
rs (GPCR), GPCR share a common basic structure of seven transmembrane helic
es connected by alternating cytoplasmic and extracellular Loops. GPCR lads
intrinsic kinase activity possessed by receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) such
as platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) or epidermal growth fac
tor receptor (EGFR), Nonetheless, the signal transduction events activated
by the AT1R mimic those of RTKs, Recently, cross-tail; between GPCR and RTK
has been observed, There is accumulating evidence that GPCR take advantage
of signaling pathways downstream of RTK to exert its effect on the cells.
In this context, RTK may be considered as one of signaling molecules downst
ream of GPCR. (C) 2000 Academic Press.