Molecular and developmental studies of limb pattern formation have rec
ently gained widespread attention. The fact that vertebrate limbs are
amenable to both genetic and embryological manipulations has establish
ed this model system as a valuable paradigm for studying vertebrate de
velopment. Limb buds are polarised along all three major axes and the
establishment of the dorso-ventral (DV) polarity is dependent upon cue
s localised in the trunk, where a DV ectodermal interface is produced
by confrontation of dorsal and ventral identities. By analogy to Droso
phila imaginal disc development, this interface has been proposed to d
etermine and position an ectodermal organising centre, the Apical Ecto
dermal Ridge (AER), controlling limb bud outgrowth. Recent fate mappin
g studies((1)) and studies of genes regulating DV limb polarity((2-6))
, AER formation((7,8)) and differentiation((9)) suggest, however, that
DV patterning and AER induction, though coordinately regulated during
limb bud outgrowth, may early on be more dissociated than expected.