Purpose: This pilot study examined the manner in which the individual socia
l-behavioral-profiles of children with language impairment (LI) influenced
their ability to work within cooperative groups.
Method: Six children with LI each participated in lour different cooperativ
e work groups. In each of:these groups, the child with LI interacted with t
wo typically developing children (for a total of 48 different typical child
ren). Groups were structured to make it possible for the child with CI to p
lay a meaningful role in the interactions (e.g., assignment ai specific rol
es). The success of each of these interactions was evaluated to determine t
he extent to which all of the children participated and worked together tow
ard a joint goal. Social profiles of each of the children with CI were obta
ined using the Teacher Behavioral Rating Scale (TBRS, Hart & Robinson. 1996
). The success of the collaborative work of each triad was then considered
in light:of the child's social profile.
Results: The success of the individual interactions was highly variable fro
m child to child. However, the social profile of the child with tt appeared
Ito:be a good predictor of-the child's ability to work with other members
of the triad toward a joint goal.
Clinical Implications: In facilitating cooperative groups, teachers and spe
ech-language pathologists-need to consider the social profiles, as well as
the language levels,of children with ii who participate. Children who show
withdrawn behaviors may need support to help them become more responsive to
their partners. Children with tl who show withdrawn as well as aggressive
behaviors may need:a variety of accommodations,including specific intervent
ion designed to help them understand the value of working with others.