In dynamic light scattering the signal to noise ratio may become very low b
ecause of short measurement times or low intensities. Then the analysis of
the data becomes a central point and it is worthwhile to accept some numeri
cal efforts and an increased calculation time caused by more sophisticated
data analysis. In the following three aspects of an improved data analysis
are discussed for multi-angle dynamic light scattering.
In the first part of this paper, the influence of the correlation of the er
rors of the autocorrelation time function is considered. With decreasing me
asurement time the errors of the autocorrelation time function increase. Th
e more the errors increase, however, the more important the error model bec
omes. On the other hand, with increasing number of photons the correlations
of the errors of the autocorrelation time function become important: The n
on-diagonal elements of the covariance matrix of the data errors increase a
nd may become of the order of the diagonal elements.
In the second part the sensitivity of the nonlinear simultaneous multi-angl
e regularization to aberrations in the experimental set-up is investigated.
Therefore, far a given bimodal radii distribution and different scattering
angles data were simulated taking into account the finite aperture of the
detector as well as the laser light backscattered at the back of the cuvett
e. This improved model is compared with the classical model, which neglects
these aberrations in the experimental setup.
Finally, the advantage of the simultaneous regularization method over avera
ging over single-angle results is demonstrated. Estimating of the radii dis
tribution from all multi-angle data at once leads to a higher solution comp
ared to averaging over the single-angle results.