This report documents the error rate in a commercially distributed subset o
f the IMAGE Consortium mouse cDNA clone collection, After isolation of plas
mid DNA from 1189 bacterial stock cultures, only 62.2% were uncontaminated
and contained cDNA inserts that had significant sequence identity to publis
hed data for the ordered clones. An agarose gel electrophoresis pre-screeni
ng strategy identified 361 stock cultures that appeared to contain two or m
ore plasmid species, Isolation of individual colonies from these stocks dem
onstrated that 7.1% of the original 1189 stocks contained both a correct an
d an incorrect plasmid, 5.9% of the original 1189 stocks contained multiple
, distinct, incorrect plasmids, indicating the likelihood of multiple conta
minating events, While only 739 of the stocks purchased contained the desir
ed cDNA clone, agarose gel prescreening, colony isolation end similarity se
arching of dbEST allowed for the identification of an additional 420 clones
that would have otherwise been discarded, Considering the high error rate
in this subset of the IMAGE cDNA clone set, the use of sequence verified cl
ones for cDNA microarray construction is warranted, When this is not possib
le, pre-screening non-sequence verified clones with agarose gel electrophor
esis provides an inexpensive and efficient method to eliminate contaminated
clones from the probe set.