Many predatory arthropods eat both unparasitized herbivores and herbivores
that are parasitized and contain the immature stages of endoparasitoids, a
form of intraguild predation. Thus, the biological control of herbivorous a
rthropods can be either enhanced or disrupted by introducing a predator spe
cies to an existing host-parasitoid system. We evaluate the impact of intro
ducing a predator, the convergent ladybird beetle, Hippodamia convergens, o
n the biological control of the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii, by the parasi
toid Lysiphlebus testaceipes, under field conditions. Predation on immature
parasitoids by H. convergens was intense: 98-100% of aphid mummies were co
nsumed by the end of the experiment, and H. convergens substantially reduce
d immature parasitoid populations. Despite the negative impact of H. conver
gens on aphid parasitoids, aphid population suppression was greatest in tre
atments containing both H. convergens and parasitoids. The parasitoid alone
or in combination with H. convergens suppressed cotton aphids in a density
-dependent manner and increased total plant leaf area and biomass, H. conve
rgens did not substantially alter the percentage of aphids mummified by par
asitoids and showed a partial feeding preference for unparasitized aphids o
ver aphid mummies. We conclude that under conditions where a predator shows
both a partial preference for unparasitized hosts and high levels of preda
tion on unparasitized hosts, we may expect the predator to improve suppress
ion of herbivores even if it produces high levels of intraguild predation.
While intraguild predation is an important ecological interaction in the ea
rly-season cotton agroecosystem, it does not disrupt cotton aphid biologica
l control.