There have been several reports on the effectiveness of endoscopic sinus su
rgery (ESS) in asthmatic patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. Whether ESS
has a positive effect on the clinical course of asthma still remains contro
versial, There have been several subjective evaluations but few objective r
esults. We performed a study to evaluate the effectiveness of ESS in 19 pat
ients with asthma who underwent ESS for rhinosinusitis. The use of antiasth
ma medication and postoperative asthma symptoms was analyzed, Objective cha
nges of pulmonary function tests were evaluated, There was a significant im
provement in diurnal and nocturnal asthma symptoms. Improvements in asthma
medication scores were also confirmed, and individual asthma symptoms (dysp
nea, cough, wheezing, and sputum production) improved significantly, Despit
e a reduction in use of antiasthma medication after ESS, the parameters of
the pulmonary function tests did not change, Both subjectively and objectiv
ely, it seems that ESS, when used to treat asthmatic patients with chronic
rhinosinusitis, can play a significant role in the clinical improvement of