We have measured the heat capacity of liquid He-3 in silver sinter at press
ures from 0 MPa up to 3.31 MPa and in the temperature range from about 1 up
to 28 mK. The heat capacity in the normal fluid is found to be the sum of
the heat capacity of bulk normal fluid and a temperature-independent heat c
apacity DeltaC due to amorphous solid layers on the silver sinter surface,
where DeltaC = 7.3 +/- 6.8 muJ K-1 m(-2) corresponds to 1 +/- 1 amorphous s
olid layers. This value is in rough agreement with other results, including
solid He-3 and He-3 adsorbed on Vycor and silver sinter, and differs from
the value for liquid He-3 in silver sinter reported by Schrenk and Konig. O
ur result indicates that the amorphous solid layers on a large surface area
yield a universal DeltaC in unit area throughout liquid, solid, and adsorb
ed He-3 in contact with a large surface. The superfluid transition temperat
ure of the liquid He-3 in the silver sinter is in good agreement with the t
heory of Kjaldman and Kurkijarvi when taking the pore diameter to be 3400 A
ngstrom, and our observations differ from the results of Schrenk and Konig.