Vegetative desiccation tolerance is a widespread but uncommon occurrence in
the plant kingdom generally. The majority of vegetative desiccation-tolera
nt plants are found in the less complex clades that constitute the algae, l
ichens and bryophytes. However, within the larger and more complex groups o
f vascular land plants there are some 60 to 70 species of ferns and fern al
lies, and approximately 60 species of angiosperms that exhibit some degree
of vegetative desiccation tolerance. In this report we analyze the evidence
for the differing mechanisms of desiccation tolerance in different plants,
including differences in cellular protection and cellular repair, and coup
le this evidence with a phylogenetic framework to generate a working hypoth
esis as to the evolution of desiccation tolerance in land plants. We hypoth
esize that the initial evolution of vegetative desiccation tolerance was a
crucial step in the colonization of the land by primitive plants from an or
igin in fresh water. The primitive mechanism of tolerance probably involved
constitutive cellular protection coupled with active cellular repair, simi
lar to that described for modern-day desiccation-tolerant bryophytes. As pl
ant species evolved, vegetative desiccation tolerance was lost as increased
growth rates, structural and morphological complexity, and mechanisms that
conserve water within the plant and maintain efficient carbon fixation wer
e selected for. Genes that had evolved for cellular protection and repair w
ere, in all likelihood, recruited for different but related processes such
as response to water stress and the desiccation tolerance of reproductive p
ropagules. We thus hypothesize that the mechanism of desiccation tolerance
exhibited in seeds, a developmentally induced cellular protection system, e
volved from the primitive form of vegetative desiccation tolerance. Once es
tablished in seeds, this system became available for induction in vegetativ
e tissues by environmental cues related to drying. The more recent, modifie
d vegetative desiccation tolerance mechanism in angiosperms evolved from th
at programmed into seed development as species spread into very arid enviro
nments. Most recently, certain desiccation-tolerant monocots evolved the st
rategy of poikilochlorophylly to survive and compete in marginal habitats w
ith variability in watts availability.