Stereo recordings of harp seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus) and Weddell seal
(Leptonychotes weddellii) underwater vocalizations were made near breeding
groups using separations between two hydrophones of 159-339 m. Within a lar
ge herd: harp seal call numbers varied slightly between channels. Counts of
Weddell seal calls were higher near a small herd on the ice than 159-180 m
away, Repeat counts of harp seal calls by a single observer differed signi
ficantly. Source levels of Weddell seal calls varied and higher amplitude c
alls would be detected up to 2 orders of magnitude farther away than quiete
r calls. Hydrophone location (especially near small groups), observer varia
bility and call source level differences will bias the use of monitoring un
derwater seal vocalizations to index locations, population size or underwat
er behaviours. Using hydrophone arrays and multiple observers may mitigate
these problems.