A conservation project can fail through political or financial mistakes mor
e often than from technical ones. To help a project engineer be more effect
ive in managing a building conservation programme, a graphical illustration
is used to describe the interaction of technology, politics and finance. I
t indicates that factors external to the modern engineer's technical concer
ns will have a bearing on the project's viability. And these factors may ha
ve long lead-in times. If the presence and nature of these factors is ignor
ed then failure may appear sudden to someone concentrating on the technical
issue alone, For successful conservation, this political and financial con
text needs not only to be monitored but also influenced. Although a simple
model, it serves to warn that a surplus of any of these influences can be a
s damaging as a shortage. An apparently successful project may literally go
over the edge suddenly unless this overview is considered: either the tech
nology may not be appropriate or the other factors may terminate a technica
lly sound, but one-dimensional approach.