In central Massachusetts a large urban parish asked the University of Massa
chusetts, Amherst School of Nursing to conduct a community assessment for t
he church and newly employed pariah nurse. The aims of the assessment were:
to determine the health status of parishioners. identify their perceived h
ealth needs and perceived barriers in meeting those needs, and to assist th
e church and parish nurse in developing a health program for their faith co
Findings of the assessment are based on questionnaire and focus group data.
Four hundred and twenty-one questionnaires were completed, and six focus g
roups were held to validate the data. Results showed most parishioners felt
they were in good health (93%). believed faith and spiritual beliefs were
important in maintaining: health and well-being (91%), and thought that the
church should play a role in helping parishioners meet their health needs
(70%). In addition, focus group discussions revealed a need for respite car
e for primary caretakers of the ill and elderly. and health education progr
ams for their teen and elderly populations. In conclusion, parishioners wer
e positive and articulated support of the parish nurse and activities desig
ned to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of their commun