Use of micronutrients for agronomic and horticultural crops has increa
sed markedly in recent years. Increased use is related to higher nutri
ent demands from more intensive cropping practices and also from farmi
ng marginal lands. Most of the fertilizers used to correct micronutrie
nt deficiencies are water- soluble inorganic sources or soluble organi
c products such as synthetic chelates or natural organic complexes. Th
ese fertilizers may react with soil to decrease their availability to
plants. The rates of such chemical reactions may differ considerably w
ith each micronutrient fertilizer and soil environment. Recommended mi
cronutrient rates have been based on results of numerous experiments,
and these rates vary with crop, soil, and other factors. The usual app
lication rates (on an elemental basis) range from 1 to 10 kg ha-1 for
Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn; < 1 kg ha-1 for B; and < 100 g ha-1 for Mo. Because
the metallic micronutrients (Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn) generally are sorbed
strongly by soil clays, they do not move significantly in soil. Hence
, they are not leached readily from the zone of application to lower s
oil depths or into groundwaters. Mobility of these micronutrient catio
ns is higher in sandy soils, especially with high leaching conditions.
Therefore, their movement out of the root zone is possible under some
situations. Significant residual effects of soluble Cu and Zn sources
greatly reduce the need for controlled-availability Cu and Zn product
s. Controlled-availability Fe and Mn fertilizers have not been effecti
ve because the rapid oxidation of Fe and Mn and reactions with soil re
duce their availability upon release. Because soluble B fertilizers fo
rm boric acid molecules in soil, they are mobile and subjects to leach
ing conditions. While mobility of B is less than that of NO3(-)-N in s
oil, field results have demonstrated loss of applied B from the root z
one in sandy soils. Slightly soluble B fertilizers, such as colemanite
and ulexite, and fritted B products (powdered glass-like materials wh
ose solubility is controlled by particle size) have been used in sandy
soils for some crops. Molybdenum requirements are much lower than tho
se of the other micronutrients. Deficiencies generally are corrected b
y liming the soil or by seed or foliar applications, so there is littl
e need for controlled-availability Mo fertilizers. Little research has
been conducted on controlled availability micronutrient fertilizers.
While fritted products are considered in this category, they are diffi
cult to handle and only may be of value in supplying B under specific
conditions. Coating soluble granular micronutrient fertilizers also ha
s been attempted, but there are few reported results of their relative
effectiveness in comparison with conventional fertilizers and applica
tion methods. New micronutrient products may be needed for specific co
nditions such as greenhouse-culture or container-grown crops, but plan
t needs also may be met by multiple applications of soluble sources.