Feeding and ruminating activities of four llamas and four sheep were c
ompared for four roughages: three hays (fed without concentrate) and o
ne straw (fed with concentrate). For the four roughages voluntary dry
matter intake was respectively 13.5 g/kg LW for llamas and 15.8 for sh
eep, results significantly different, but respectively 43.5 and 45.4 g
DM/kg LW0.75, results non significantly different. Time for ingestion
was, on average, 335 min/day for llamas and 287 for sheep (significan
t difference) and time for rumination 437 min/day against 559 for shee
p (significant difference). After correction for the live weight the e
fficiency of chewing was comparable for the two species: 1.78 g DM/min
/100kg LW. To note is that the llamas practically do not ruminate duri
ng the day. The time spent for eating is a little higher for llamas th
an for sheep. During the night, and above all the second part of the n
ight, llamas spent more time ruminating than sheep. On average the bar
ycentre of the rumination was delayed by 3.2 h for llamas compared to
sheep. This mechanism could explain the higher length of particle rete
ntion in the digestive tract of llamas and a higher digestion of the c
ell wall contents. Length of rumination periods was longer for llamas,
45 min, against 40 min for sheep.